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Targumon - Movie Names Translator
מהדורה עברית


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Restrict by production year from to (e.g. from 1988 to 1994)
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Search an exact name (For example to get the film 'Big' only, without titles just having the word 'big')

Tips for a Successful Search

 for example, in order to get:it's enough to search for:
It's better to avoid words you're not sure how to spell.Requiem for a Dreamfor dream
No need to enter the full name (when typing several words, the search will consider all of them).The Wizard of Ozwizard
You may omit punctuation marks and conjunctions.Dude, Where's My Car?dude where my car
It's preferable not to enter numbers.Around the World in 80 Daysaround world
Plain characters can be used instead of accented ones.Prêt-à-Porterpret porter
  • Search is case insensitive.

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